Family Dentistry & Pediatrics
in Millbrae, CA
Pediatric dentists are specially trained to manage children’s oral health, including teeth, gums, and mouth, throughout the stages of childhood from infancy to the teen years.
Common Questions about Family and Pediatric Dentistry
What ages of children does Millbrae Smile Center see?
Dr. Vasanth’s experience includes exams for toddlers less than two years of age. Parents tend to bring their children in for their first dental appointments at ages two or three. Some like to bring in all of their kids at once. Millbrae Smile Center makes it convenient to take care of everyone.
What treatments for children does Millbrae Smile Center offer?
We treat the routine issues, including tooth exams and teeth cleaning. If a child exhibits behavioral problems, or if a child’s teeth show intense decay, Dr. Vasanth will refer the parents to an appropriate specialist.
Does Millbrae Smile Center offer any special dental services to children and parents?
Dr. Vasanth likes to emphasize patient education for kids and parents. We offer videos that highlight and reinforce what they are experiencing when they visit the dentist, and also do a very good job of explaining dental disease.